Letters of appreciation

Letters of appreciation Letters of appreciation

To: ARTEM Berman,
the Head of
“HelpPeopleOfUkraine” Foundation

During existence of the “Childhood without War” project since March 2022, more than 3500 orphaned children and their accompanying persons have been relocated to Turkey as well as provided with accommodation and all necessary support.

Staying in hotels by the seaside, children reside in a safe and comfortable environment in Turkey. They are provided with five meals a day, comprehensive medical care, attention, and distance form of education in Ukrainian schools.

We fully recognize that, in addition to basic needs, it is crucial for children to develop and acquire valuable knowledge and skills in various fields. Understanding the technological world is particularly relevant in modern society.

We express you our sincere gratitude for organizing the educational process for orphans under the care of the “Childhood without War” project.
It is extremely pleasant to realize that there are people, who care about the fate of young Ukrainians. We highly appreciate your contribution to the common cause.

Best regards,
Nataliia Maslo,
the Director

January 3, 2024

I would like to thank the charitable foundation “helppeopleofukraine” for providing financial support for treatment and rehabilitation after the injury I got as a result of the military invasion of Ukraine.

January 5, 2023

I would like to thank the charitable foundation helppeopleofukraine ever so much for providing financial support for treatment and rehabilitation after the injury I got as a result of the military invasion of Ukraine.

January 5, 2023

I am deeply appreciative of you for providing financial support.
Your help is an invaluable contribution to the development of charity as well as significant support at a difficult time for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
By helping, you provide us not only with material values but also with joy, warmth, hope, and, especially, trust that leads Ukraine to Victory.
I am looking forward to further cooperation and mutual understanding.

January 5, 2023